Andriy is a specialist in the sphere of civil, land, administrative law and dispute resolution. He started practice in in 2004. During his career Mr Babych has gained valuable experience of working in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, worked in the banking sphere and accompanied practice of dispute resolution in one of the most popular Ukrainian industrial investment groups. Andriy also has considerable experience of work in political sphere, he provided complex legal support to candidates of various levels several times in the process of elective campaigns and elections. He is a co-author of a range of law drafts in various spheres.

Andriy joined the team of BYWORD CONSULTING as a Counsel in 2015. Mr Babych specializes in the sphere of civil, land, administrative law relating to construction and real estate as well as in the sphere of dispute resolution.


  • National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, 2004


  • English
  • Ukrainian
  • Russian